Table 1 – ATS/IDSA Criteria for Diagnosis of Nontuberculous Pulmonary Disease ADDIN EN.CITE  ADDIN (Griffith, Aksamit et al. 2007)

Clinical Criteria

Pulmonary symptoms


Nodular or cavitary opacities on CXR


Thoracic CT scan with multifocal bronchiectasis with multiple small nodules


Exclusion of other diagnoses

  Microbiologic Criteria

Positive culture results from at least two expectorated sputum samples


Positive culture result from at least one bronchial wash or lavage in patient with classic symptoms and radiographic findings for nodular bronchiectatic NTM lung disease unable to produce sputum


Lung biopsy with evidence of granulomatous inflammation or AFB on histopathology and either a tissue culture or sputum specimen or BAL washing with growth of an NTM

Diagnosis requires both clinical and microbiological criteria.